Loneliness in a Hyper-Connected Society

Back in March of 2019, I jotted down in my notes: “What are the pros and cons of being so connected through technology in this day and age?” Now, over a year later, I find this question almost even more relevant and worth considering. It is incredibly fascinating that through today’s technology we can contact anyone in the world at any given minute and conduct work or school from the comfort of our own homes, among many other things. While I recognize the extreme benefits, there are moments when I feel that our machines and devices are tipping the scales of connectivity, entering into a realm where we are actually more isolated as individuals.

The ability to gather international news and access an incomprehensible amount of resources from the palms of our hands, are just two of the ways that technology has forever shaped society. And it is definitely a balance, because without these means to connect, we’d lack even more empathy in the world, as it would be incredibly hard to maintain awareness for others outside of our social bubbles. Yet, there is a special energy that requires us to get breaths of fresh air and open ourselves up to factors of life that span beyond standard screen sizes. I definitely took for granted the ease of being able to get out and meander in spaces, an activity that exposes us to strangers and allows for the magic and beauty of unexpected conversations. These days, it’s easy to virtually transport oneself across the globe or even complete daily errands like grocery shopping, without even leaving the couch.

Bondi Beach, Australia // July 2019

Bondi Beach, Australia // July 2019

With such hyper-connectivity, it is easy to slip into the territory of loneliness and isolation – sometimes without even realizing that it is happening. In my own experience, even if I am able to manage keeping up friendships and enhancing my worldly knowledge from behind the screen, I tend to lose my internal sense of being grounded. Physically enjoying nature, being in people’s presence, and getting to separate work life from my personal space, are all things that encourage my overall wellbeing. After long extents of relying on digital means to satisfy my human need to connect and engage, I find that I then tend to log off with an extreme sense of personal discontent. Moments that I get to spend with the people I love and the small adventures like walking to get takeout are the mini wins that I have learned are key to my own personal sanity.

In an effort to stay hopeful and honor ourselves through the actions that make us happiest, it is so important that we make space for the people and activities that keep us tuned into our best selves. While we oddly are feeling the restrictions of being physically bound within our homes, the lines delineating our personal, professional, and social lives have become completely blurred. It is okay to not have everything figured out, or to feel completely lost in a society that is outlining exactly where we should or shouldn’t be this year. 

Blue Mountains, Australia // July 2019

Blue Mountains, Australia // July 2019

I have a lot to thank technology for and without the innovations of today’s world, I would be feeling an incredible void. The opportunities I have had, the people I cherish most, even this blog, are all aspects of my life that have benefitted from the ability to transcend time and distance through devices. However, the seed of our souls were not planted to thrive with machinery alone. It takes a healthy dose of other elements to keep us balanced as humans. This equilibrium can be achieved when we are intentional with our utilization of modern technology. Predetermining our goals when we unlock our phones or log on to our computers can be incredibly beneficial; whether we are heading into a work Zoom, hoping to connect with someone, or dedicating recreational perusing of social media, making mindful decisions can keep us in charge of our time and happiness.

Stay hopeful everyone and continue finding safe ways to spark joy! xoxo 

Approaching 2019 Authentically

With only a couple days left until 2019 begins, we have reached that point of the year where there is much talk about “New Year’s Resolutions.” While I think that a fresh year does provide a wonderful slate for us to evaluate and set goals, the idea of a resolutionconjures up the connotation of something we have been unhappy about and want to leave behind, as opposed to the idea of an intention, where we aim towards something, freeing ourselves from the notion of something negative while we set our sights on something positive. My personal intention of 2018 was to not let anyone dim my light, realizing that one person’s shine does not take away from someone else’s. For my upcoming intention, I have chosen to focus on trusting and living my truth, recognizing that everything will fall into place if I surrender and live life as authentically as possible.

Mammoth Lakes, CA // December 2018

Mammoth Lakes, CA // December 2018

One of the foundations on which I built this blog was the idea that if we all strived towards our own positive lives, we could radiate that onto others and thus have a domino effect, resulting in an overall happier and more cohesive society. However, while we hope to be positive influences to those around us, it can be hard to separate from the power of others who might stray us from our individual progress. We live in a world where it is so easy to interact with and be inspired by others, but that also means that we expose ourselves to more information, news, and social media platforms that can set us back in our pursuit of pure bliss. Some people are stronger than others when it comes to ignoring how they are perceived by others or making decisions completely on their own, and while there is nothing wrong with surrounding yourself with supportive and guiding souls, it is important to never lose sight of the messages in your own heart and mind. 

Tying together my 2018 and 2019 intentions, I hope to provide the message that we can all be successful and happy, and that a big part in reaching this for ourselves, is to wish success and happiness for others. Therefore, do not get dismayed by those who attempt to dim your light or upheave you from the path you are forging. Advice from outsiders can be quite beneficial, but if it does not resonate with you, move on. Like I have said before, there are multiple routes to the same outcome, that’s why the element of trust and knowing that you are currently the most aligned with your heart and soul are important factors. Trust not only means surrendering yourself to what the universe has planned for you, but it also means believing in yourself, so that when unwanted and unwarranted energies or comments enter your life, you are strong enough to keep shining your most pure light. After all, no one experiences life through your eyes and heart except for you. You are your own most genuine guide.

Convict Lake, CA // December 2018

Convict Lake, CA // December 2018

Reflect on this past year and think of all the things you have learned and gained, and set your own intentions for 2019 so that you can continue to live a life that you are content with. As I write this, I realize that many of my posts are “intention-like,” often focusing on aspects of life that I think are important and that have either helped me or I am presently working on as well. So with everything that I have learned this year, I hope that you too have learned something, either from my posts or in general, and that you keep on growing and evolving, because truly that is what life is all about. The journey doesn’t ever really end. You climb up the steep trails to one scenic lookout, and then you drive right back down searching for the next oasis on the horizon. Wishing everyone a very happy end to 2018 and a wonderful new year ahead! May we all be fearless, patient, grateful, open-minded, authentic, and trusting; here’s to loving one another and embracing new experiences! xoxo

The Sands of Time

Happy July! Lately I have been reflecting a lot on how so much has changed in a year! If someone had asked me a year ago where I saw my life headed, I would have said something completely different than what I would respond today. Despite the fact that the emotions and experiences that this past year held were not always the most pleasant (and at times I questioned if I would even survive to see another day!), I couldn’t be more grateful for where I am now. I think it is important that we all realize that with time comes change, and though it can be change in either a positive or negative direction, all change serves a purpose. 

Lahaina, HI // June 2018

Lahaina, HI // June 2018

I know I have written about embracing all that life has to offer in any given moment, which is somewhat repetitive of allowing for change in either direction, so I’d like to focus this post on setting intentions for the future, knowing that as time goes on, we have the opportunity to transform into our most ideal lives.  Change can be scary, unexpected, and stressful, but I honestly believe that there is always some, even if it is small, positive takeaway from any situation. So, no matter where you are currently in your life, where do you hope to see yourself in three months? A year? If you think back a year ago, could you have predicted all that was to happen from that moment up until now? Life is a whirlwind of sensational occurrences, it is doubtful that one’s life will remain forever stagnant in the way it currently is. As individuals, we have the power to analyze where we are, and then make decisions to fine-tune our paths in a stronger direction towards our dream. 

Growing up, my parents always reminded me that no matter how hard it seemed to push myself to do something, whether it was to go on a run to stay healthy or even sit down and try to write a blog post, that someday I would look back and wish I had started today. Essentially, we can’t gain time back, but we can make the most of what we have. Every day is a new beginning. If the life you wish to be living someday includes daily yoga, then find an outlet to take your first class this week. Why wait for “someday” when today is waiting for you to take the reins and live life to the fullest? I think that it is just so important to recognize that although we might not have complete control over what happens in our lives, we do have some power in the choices we make to place us on different paths, and it is never to late to take some new exits and find ourselves on new routes. 

Lahaina, HI // June 2018

Lahaina, HI // June 2018

With this fairly fresh start of a new month, I think it is a healthy exercise to reflect on how your life has changed in various ways. What was a change you weren’t expecting, and are you happy with how you handled it? How have you evolved into your current position in a positive way? Taking the lessons from the past, then apply these thoughts to the future, coming up with some first steps to progress towards a happier and healthier you. Live in the now, in a way that your future self will thank you! 

P.S.  These sunset photos are from the same night, taken within the span of 10 minutes! I thought it was symbolic of how fast things can change and seem completely different than one might expect! :)

How to Harness the Capricorn New Moon

January has been full of incredible coincidences (or universal winks as I like to call them) and intense energy so far. Something super exciting is that the new Moon just a few days ago was in Capricorn, (which as a Capricorn, makes this time even more exhilarating for me) but in general we can all benefit from this universal energy that is currently present. This is the first time since 1991 that we have had a Capricorn new moon, so this is definitely an opportunity we should not pass up. Over the course of the next six months, we can connect to the power of Capricorn to forgive, conserve, honor, manifest, reflect, and adventure.

Capricorn is an earth sign, which makes these next few months a really important time to focus on the planet, whether it be in the sense of implementing a new environmentally-friendly practice or making an effort to get in tune with nature around us. A few ideas that you might want to consider are: going on a hike, meditating in a grassy spot (grass is a great absorbent of negative energy!), cutting back on the amount of animal products you are consuming, or investing in reusable wares to limit your individual waste production. Also, because crystals are of the earth, this is an especially great time to turn to crystals for healing energy and manifestation rituals. 

Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, CA // June 2015

Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, CA // June 2015

This planetary shift into Capricorn also encourages forgiveness. I think I have touched upon forgiving in the past, in addition to the idea of acceptance and surrendering, but I wanted to bring up the idea of forgiveness in yet another context: forgiving tied to learning. Although I can guarantee we all have heard that we “learn from our mistakes,” it is actually true. Often times, it isn’t until we can look at something in retrospect that we can extract a lesson from it, even if our experience has possibly already subconsciously altered our thoughts and actions. To help get through stressful times, it is important to recognize that though life can be full of lots of little messes, in the future they can clear up to be something great. Narrowing in on a life goal and taking the time to visualize it, can really help to attract it and turn it into a reality.

San Simeon, CA // June 2015

San Simeon, CA // June 2015

So, no matter what your zodiac sign is, lets all relish this new power and utilize it to the fullest. Try something new, get outside, and act with purpose and intent. Remember that although the sun leaves Capricorn after today, we still have time to harness this energy. I will end this post with a quote that stands by my bedside at home: “Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we’re here we should dance.” Wishing everyone a rejuvenating and revitalizing weekend!! 

Reflecting + Letting Go

As we approach the end of the year we are given the opportunity to set behind us anything that no longer serves us and move forward with specific intentions. Setting New Year’s resolutions is a great practice, but it should not go without also reflecting on the past holistically, and surrendering anything that does not fill us with pure happiness and positivity. It is important that we take this new year as a fresh start and shed any emotional weight that the past year brought.

The first step to making the most of this clean slate that 2018 presents, is to recognize anything that does not fulfill us or elevate us to a higher self. We must acknowledge whatever obstacles or rough times we dealt with this past year and allow them to be, letting go of the baggage and moving forward in a more positive direction. We cannot always control the events that have happened, but we do have control over how much energy we expend on dwelling on what cannot be altered or put towards cultivating something that advances us towards more bliss. A great way to help surrender feelings and other things we wish to release, is to physically write each thing on its own individual piece of paper, and then either place the pieces of paper wrapped in foil within the freezer, burn them, or simply tuck them away during a full moon. This clears them from your mind and psyche, giving them the proper space to be, while also stripping them of the power to influence your energy field in a negative manner. 

Seattle, WA // June 2016

Seattle, WA // June 2016

It is also crucial that we forgive ourselves for anything we feel is withholding us from our greater potential, along with keeping in mind that everything happens for a reason.  As we reflect, we must remind ourselves that although we may not have made some of the same decisions or taken the same actions that we did, at the time they might have been the most appropriate decisions and actions, and therefore we cannot blame ourselves. Life is a continual process of learning and broadening our scope of the world, facing various twists and turns, but with each new bump or sticky situation, having a larger “tool belt” to approach things with. 

There is so much in this life to be grateful for, and when we utilize our individual power to bring upon more positivity, then we are doing the best that we can. Being that we are all human, I am sure that at some point in the past twelve months we were all tested or found ourselves in a period that lacked optimal happiness. But with that comes the fact that we are all now at this current point in life, having grown stronger and wiser in this past year, and can now apply our experiences to the future. Allow things to be, accept them for what they are, acknowledge their effect on you, and then approach future moments with a fresh outlook. May this upcoming year be filled with more love, laughter, and joyous moments!