Forgive Yourself

Month one of a beautiful new year! As we become fully immersed in the last year of the decade, some of us might still be in the process of shedding the old. A huge part of the process of releasing is forgiveness – the absolving of all binds to remorse, guilt, or shame. But often times we focus on forgiving others, which is very important indeed, but what about forgiving ourselves? If we are in any way feeling chained to some unhappy aspect stirring in our soul, how can we expect to feel free and reach new heights of our being? 

A great practice to incorporate weekly, monthly - whenever you feel like you need to take a step back and remind yourself that the past shouldn’t take away from the present and future – take a moment to just be. Regretting a decision you made? Even if you would have done something differently in the moment, you probably learned something from the experience, and who knows, it could turn out to be a blessing in disguise later in life. Wish you hadn’t said something that slipped your lips? In the moment that was your truth, and it’s okay to go through those types of mistakes. Haven’t stopped thinking about a missed opportunity? Let it go, because wallowing in that loss will only strip you of more potential moving forward. We are all human and we need to learn to love ourselves and trust the process. Being our own best friend and standing behind our own decisions (or being self reflective and recognizing when we could have approached something better), is crucial to being able to harness as much of our individual power as possible and living as aligned to our heart’s desire as possible.

Ojai, CA // December 2018

Ojai, CA // December 2018

Forgiving ourselves also means refraining from being harsh on ourselves for outgrown versions of ourselves that we may have a hard time supporting from our more mature and sage perspectives. Life is a journey of lessons! It is important to maintain gratitude for the ability to get to the point that you are today, to gain the perspective and capacity to even look back and realize you had room to grow. Socrates once said that he was the wisest man because “he knew that he knew nothing.” Being able to tune in and realizing there is always room for growth and acquiring knowledge is helpful in maneuvering through a world that sometimes pits us against expectations that we aren’t all molded to fulfill in the same ways. And a part of this journey comes from doing things that may lead to forgiving ourselves, because after all, we need to go through imperfect moments to appreciate the better ones. 

Remember that when we are at optimal individual self, we are a bigger asset to our surrounding society as a whole. Melt away any unsettling feelings you have within your own heart and soul by loving yourself and slopping off any weight that is holding you down, so that you can ascend to a point where your blueprint is clear. Forgiving yourself makes room for more light and love to enter, and you can ensure that you are setting yourself up to receive an abundance, especially once you let the universe know that you trust and are healed. Whenever you are in doubt, look within, and tap into that energy that we all have access to – but remember that you’ll encounter fewer clouds when searching for what you seek when you are confident and content with yourself. Happy January and happy Monday! 

Dissolving Differences

One of the biggest things I like to emphasis on this blog (and in life in general!) is the oneness that connects us all. Society often likes to make the differences in life more obvious than the similarities. While reading Only Love is Real, the sequel to Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss, I realized that some of his words correlated with a woman’s story I had learned while traveling in Israel. The overall message is that we all go through the same hardships; deep down we are all scared, we all want to find love and happiness. Weiss discusses how the soul is not attached to superficial differences (like race, ethnicity, gender, etc.) that often pose as barriers in everyday life. The woman I met in Israel discussed what it is like to live in a country where the majority of people she is spiritually connected to are fighting against the people she is ethnically connected to. 

Haifa, Israel // May 2018

Haifa, Israel // May 2018

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Brain Weiss, he is a therapist who specializes in past life regression therapy, in which patients are able to recall their past lives and identify life patterns and familiar souls. (Read my post about his first book here.) Through his innumerous sessions with clients, he has seen how diverse one soul’s lives can be – from a British woman of royalty in one life to an Egyptian male healer in another. Weiss writes that in “the course of our lifetimes, we change sexes, religions, and races in order to learn from all sides” (Only Love is Real 98). He illustrates that we cannot have fear, anger, greed, hatred, etc., because we have probably at one point in our soul’s journey, embodied whatever it is now that we view as “different.” The point of life he says is to learn how to love, forgive, be aware, and eliminate violence. Regardless of your religion or if you believe in reincarnation or not, it is hard to argue with Weiss’ points that simply suggest that we place ourselves in others’ shoes and treat people in a manner in which we would hope to be treated if we were in their situation.

Israel has long been in war with Palestine, and while I was visiting, I was fortunate enough to get to go to a village that was inhabited by both Israelis and non-Israelis. A woman shared her story of being a Christian who lived in a non-Israeli village that was destroyed by Israelis, and how she found forgiveness and love in their people when she moved into a main Israeli port for university. She was young, divorced, and her rejection of her somewhat forced marriage through her culture caused her to be abandoned by her own blood. That’s when she was left with nothing, only to find that so many Israelis welcomed her with open arms and offered her a roof, food, education, and companionship. She shared that through her experiences she realized that love conquers all – that no matter your side in a situation, both parties are afraid, both parties have a right to their beliefs, and both parties are just trying to protect their own happiness and health, which she believes doesn’t have to be at the expense of others. 

Rosh HaNikra, Israel // May 2018

Rosh HaNikra, Israel // May 2018

Lately, I have been quite observant of how often we rely on the differences between ourselves and others to characterize, when we should be focusing more on similarities or attributes such as one’s humor, kindness, generosity, etc. If we empathize with the feelings and familiarities of those around us, not only do we broaden our repertoire of experienced emotions, but we open up our heart to allow others to also enter and understand our lives better. Weiss’ discussion of patterns across multiple lives and how we can break destructive cycles through the recognition of such patterns, inspired me to want to focus on the breaking of cycles within this life that we currently know, regardless of whether or not we have insight into any of our soul’s past encounters. It is time that we break the pattern of guarding our hearts against others, ignoring what we all share as a human race, and being blind to the wonderful connections we have the potential to make with people, no matter how diverse their lives are compared to our own! 

How to Harness the Capricorn New Moon

January has been full of incredible coincidences (or universal winks as I like to call them) and intense energy so far. Something super exciting is that the new Moon just a few days ago was in Capricorn, (which as a Capricorn, makes this time even more exhilarating for me) but in general we can all benefit from this universal energy that is currently present. This is the first time since 1991 that we have had a Capricorn new moon, so this is definitely an opportunity we should not pass up. Over the course of the next six months, we can connect to the power of Capricorn to forgive, conserve, honor, manifest, reflect, and adventure.

Capricorn is an earth sign, which makes these next few months a really important time to focus on the planet, whether it be in the sense of implementing a new environmentally-friendly practice or making an effort to get in tune with nature around us. A few ideas that you might want to consider are: going on a hike, meditating in a grassy spot (grass is a great absorbent of negative energy!), cutting back on the amount of animal products you are consuming, or investing in reusable wares to limit your individual waste production. Also, because crystals are of the earth, this is an especially great time to turn to crystals for healing energy and manifestation rituals. 

Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, CA // June 2015

Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, CA // June 2015

This planetary shift into Capricorn also encourages forgiveness. I think I have touched upon forgiving in the past, in addition to the idea of acceptance and surrendering, but I wanted to bring up the idea of forgiveness in yet another context: forgiving tied to learning. Although I can guarantee we all have heard that we “learn from our mistakes,” it is actually true. Often times, it isn’t until we can look at something in retrospect that we can extract a lesson from it, even if our experience has possibly already subconsciously altered our thoughts and actions. To help get through stressful times, it is important to recognize that though life can be full of lots of little messes, in the future they can clear up to be something great. Narrowing in on a life goal and taking the time to visualize it, can really help to attract it and turn it into a reality.

San Simeon, CA // June 2015

San Simeon, CA // June 2015

So, no matter what your zodiac sign is, lets all relish this new power and utilize it to the fullest. Try something new, get outside, and act with purpose and intent. Remember that although the sun leaves Capricorn after today, we still have time to harness this energy. I will end this post with a quote that stands by my bedside at home: “Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we’re here we should dance.” Wishing everyone a rejuvenating and revitalizing weekend!! 

Embracing the Essence of the Soul

As we emerge into this transformative time of the year, as it is not only one week into the Jewish New Year for some, but also one week into the transition of the autumn season, it is important to look within and evaluate what we hope to shed and gain in our lives. I personally feel that setting intentions is important daily, but it’s even more imperative during a time when the universal energy is in high support of an evolution, be it at the level of the world collectively, or at the level of the individual soul. Recently, I have been introduced to a lot of ideas about the soul and its purpose, the art of envisioning your ideals and actually achieving them, and forgiveness.

I always find it funny that often times the themes of life overlap, meaning that we can learn about a new idea and then it begins to pop up in various forms in other aspects of our life. One of these ideas is that of living our lives guided by our soul, rather than giving into the distractions of what our body might desire. According to Ancient Greek philosophers, the secret to ultimate happiness and a good life, is to listen to the soul. Everyone’s soul seeks what is truly essential to life: love, wisdom, courage, and justice. However, to be given the opportunity to go on such an enlightening journey, we are given human bodies, which have other desires. The philosopher Socrates says that this is often why people are prone to mental conflict, as we have both our soul and our body’s desires fighting to beat the other out. This can be solved though when we separate the distractions of the body from the truth that our soul speaks. 

Watsonville, CA // September 2016

Watsonville, CA // September 2016

In lieu of this time of the year where we look towards who we want to become and acknowledge the characteristics we want to leave behind us, the ancient philosophers give us perspective on how to be successful in achieving our goals. For those of you who are familiar with the Law of Attraction (the idea that when we emit positive thoughts we attract physical prosperity in our lives, and the opposite when we are negative), this is essentially an earlier version of this idea. Dating back thousands of years ago, the importance of envisioning what you wanted something to be like and then working your way towards it, was vitally important. This is the spirit that built the great cities that we now learn about in textbooks, but it is also the spirit that the philosophers believed could be applied to an individual’s life as well. When we conceptualize the version of something that we hope to reach, we subconsciously align our actions in a way that effortlessly leads to the realization of this image.                                                                                                                                                           

Another important theme that helps us move forward in our lives and let go of what is no longer serving us, is the concept of forgiveness. I think this idea is fairly well engrained into our society in the aspect that we are all aware of it, but that we do not always remember to apply it. Lately, I have been letting go of things that previously upset me and realizing that I may not have the power to reverse upsetting things, but I do have the power to give my energy towards the positive things in life and dismiss the negative. I think it is important to note that forgiving ourselves is also crucial. When we love ourselves and realize that we are human and make mistakes, we lift off a weight that disadvantages us in our pursuit of what we truly desire in life. 

Dixon, CA // October 2016

Dixon, CA // October 2016

With these three points in mind, I encourage you to take some time and reflect on what you hope to gain in the months ahead. Looking back, what do you hope to release and fix in the future? As you do this, reminding yourself to forgive and not wallow in the guilt or upset that certain things may have caused you. Set intentions and visualize what would make you the happiest, focusing on the positives with the viewpoint that you hope to achieve them, not that you don’t have them currently. According to the philosophers of ancient times, setting goals of what you want will change your perspective, and in turn will cause you to naturally begin to act in a way that will lead to the ultimate manifestation of your hopes. Above all though, these desires that you wish to attain should be desires that in the end will place you further on your journey to ultimate happiness based on the soul. As you take this time to reflect, clear your mind and listen to your heart and soul, what does your soul point you towards? By acknowledging the deeper longings within yourself, you can help to subside the temporary requests of the body. Honor yourself and take this opportunity to reign in the generative energy in the universe to help jumpstart your own transformation into an even happier phase of your life.