Forgive Yourself

Month one of a beautiful new year! As we become fully immersed in the last year of the decade, some of us might still be in the process of shedding the old. A huge part of the process of releasing is forgiveness – the absolving of all binds to remorse, guilt, or shame. But often times we focus on forgiving others, which is very important indeed, but what about forgiving ourselves? If we are in any way feeling chained to some unhappy aspect stirring in our soul, how can we expect to feel free and reach new heights of our being? 

A great practice to incorporate weekly, monthly - whenever you feel like you need to take a step back and remind yourself that the past shouldn’t take away from the present and future – take a moment to just be. Regretting a decision you made? Even if you would have done something differently in the moment, you probably learned something from the experience, and who knows, it could turn out to be a blessing in disguise later in life. Wish you hadn’t said something that slipped your lips? In the moment that was your truth, and it’s okay to go through those types of mistakes. Haven’t stopped thinking about a missed opportunity? Let it go, because wallowing in that loss will only strip you of more potential moving forward. We are all human and we need to learn to love ourselves and trust the process. Being our own best friend and standing behind our own decisions (or being self reflective and recognizing when we could have approached something better), is crucial to being able to harness as much of our individual power as possible and living as aligned to our heart’s desire as possible.

Ojai, CA // December 2018

Ojai, CA // December 2018

Forgiving ourselves also means refraining from being harsh on ourselves for outgrown versions of ourselves that we may have a hard time supporting from our more mature and sage perspectives. Life is a journey of lessons! It is important to maintain gratitude for the ability to get to the point that you are today, to gain the perspective and capacity to even look back and realize you had room to grow. Socrates once said that he was the wisest man because “he knew that he knew nothing.” Being able to tune in and realizing there is always room for growth and acquiring knowledge is helpful in maneuvering through a world that sometimes pits us against expectations that we aren’t all molded to fulfill in the same ways. And a part of this journey comes from doing things that may lead to forgiving ourselves, because after all, we need to go through imperfect moments to appreciate the better ones. 

Remember that when we are at optimal individual self, we are a bigger asset to our surrounding society as a whole. Melt away any unsettling feelings you have within your own heart and soul by loving yourself and slopping off any weight that is holding you down, so that you can ascend to a point where your blueprint is clear. Forgiving yourself makes room for more light and love to enter, and you can ensure that you are setting yourself up to receive an abundance, especially once you let the universe know that you trust and are healed. Whenever you are in doubt, look within, and tap into that energy that we all have access to – but remember that you’ll encounter fewer clouds when searching for what you seek when you are confident and content with yourself. Happy January and happy Monday! 

Mindful Manifestation

Happy Friday + start of a long weekend for some of us! I know I have discussed the art of attracting what you put your mind to and how as individuals we have the power within us to physically cultivate what we visualize, but I wanted to really hone in on this again this week, hopefully adding another layer to this topic. For about the past month, I have diligently been journaling every night before bed, in addition to starting and ending my days with reflection on what I am grateful for and what went well and what I intend to improve on in coming days. I cannot emphasize enough how much this practice truly alters your perspective in the most positive ways possible and truly rewires the fibers of your being to be more in tune on picking up more of the good in life than the bad. 

Antelope Valley, CA // April 2016

Antelope Valley, CA // April 2016

Since getting back in touch with myself and experiencing my intense feelings of gratitude, I realized that it makes environments that were previously neutral to become, at times, more susceptible to being uncomfortable. This is why I feel that it is important to look at manifestation from the angle of helping others to also see the positives as well, and in a sense mindfully play your role in a larger focus on all the amazing things there are in this world to be grateful for.  We might not always have control over the external influencers that surround us, but we do have the power to either nurture the negativity or plant positivity. When I started this blog, my intent was to get everyone to see what they could do individually in an effort to collectively add up to a more visible change within society, so I think this is an important reminder that even by choosing to not endorse negativity on even the smallest of scales, is an act of utilizing your individual power for a greater good.

In an effort to minimize the unwanted effects of negativity onto my psyche, I like to picture a large aura of golden light acting as a shield for negativity to bounce off of and keep myself rooted in positivity. Another practice that I find super helpful is to purposefully exhale what I visualize as black smoke that may be trying to taint my inner peace. By taking the time to recenter and release what has the potential to agitate me, I become consciously reminded that it is outside factors working against me, and thus I am able to move on with my day in a manner that is solely guided by my inner positivity. 

Antelope Valley, CA // April 2016

Antelope Valley, CA // April 2016

The important thing to understand is that the outside world won't always be conducive to our positivity, but that there are ways to mitigate the outside world’s effects. Taking the time to consciously recognize that we don’t need to be confined to the emotional molds that can sometimes be pressured onto us allows us to lead our lives as close to our internal scripts as possible. Keep in mind that it isn’t selfish to take time during the day to do something for yourself, like dedicate 10-15 minutes to one of your favorite activities, or just to do some deep breathing.

Have an amazing weekend everyone + remember that you have the power to protect your positivity! 

Reflecting + Letting Go

As we approach the end of the year we are given the opportunity to set behind us anything that no longer serves us and move forward with specific intentions. Setting New Year’s resolutions is a great practice, but it should not go without also reflecting on the past holistically, and surrendering anything that does not fill us with pure happiness and positivity. It is important that we take this new year as a fresh start and shed any emotional weight that the past year brought.

The first step to making the most of this clean slate that 2018 presents, is to recognize anything that does not fulfill us or elevate us to a higher self. We must acknowledge whatever obstacles or rough times we dealt with this past year and allow them to be, letting go of the baggage and moving forward in a more positive direction. We cannot always control the events that have happened, but we do have control over how much energy we expend on dwelling on what cannot be altered or put towards cultivating something that advances us towards more bliss. A great way to help surrender feelings and other things we wish to release, is to physically write each thing on its own individual piece of paper, and then either place the pieces of paper wrapped in foil within the freezer, burn them, or simply tuck them away during a full moon. This clears them from your mind and psyche, giving them the proper space to be, while also stripping them of the power to influence your energy field in a negative manner. 

Seattle, WA // June 2016

Seattle, WA // June 2016

It is also crucial that we forgive ourselves for anything we feel is withholding us from our greater potential, along with keeping in mind that everything happens for a reason.  As we reflect, we must remind ourselves that although we may not have made some of the same decisions or taken the same actions that we did, at the time they might have been the most appropriate decisions and actions, and therefore we cannot blame ourselves. Life is a continual process of learning and broadening our scope of the world, facing various twists and turns, but with each new bump or sticky situation, having a larger “tool belt” to approach things with. 

There is so much in this life to be grateful for, and when we utilize our individual power to bring upon more positivity, then we are doing the best that we can. Being that we are all human, I am sure that at some point in the past twelve months we were all tested or found ourselves in a period that lacked optimal happiness. But with that comes the fact that we are all now at this current point in life, having grown stronger and wiser in this past year, and can now apply our experiences to the future. Allow things to be, accept them for what they are, acknowledge their effect on you, and then approach future moments with a fresh outlook. May this upcoming year be filled with more love, laughter, and joyous moments!