Learning How Distance Can Bring You Closer to Center

There’s the saying that “you don’t know what you have until its gone,” but sometimes it just takes you being the one that’s gone for a bit to help provide some clarity and perspective. When I decided to go abroad to work and study for two months, I expected to learn a lot, but I had no idea how quickly I would begin to discover more about myself. It has only been about two weeks in my new (temporary) home of Sydney, yet I already get the sense that I may have signed up for a summer intensive course with me at the focus. 

Bronte Beach, NSW, Australia // June 2019

Bronte Beach, NSW, Australia // June 2019

While I have come to realize a lot of personal things about myself, I have also come to generally find that there is something really refreshing in removing yourself from the routine that you know – it gives you freedom from the part of society that pushes for you to keep moving closer and closer to success. In fact, it feels a tad rebellious to seemingly “press pause” on the normality of what you have always known and to instead “press play” to a life completely unfamiliar. And, doing so does not impede on your track to success that it feels like you are escaping from, but rather it helps you better understand how to navigate that path once you return to reality.

For example, in being across the globe, living nearly a full day ahead of all my friends and family, I have experienced a deep appreciation for the people that I do have in my life. I often find it hard to display any signs of weakness, but I honestly have been feeling bouts of homesickness, since I miss my incredible sources of love and support back home. (Otherwise, Australia is really amazing and I would probably stay forever :) ) Being on my own has also naturally surfaced a lot of inner motivation and strength, which have always seemed a little more difficult to actualize back home. When you experience these types of feelings at least once, you begin to realize that you have it in you to catalyze them at any point in your life.

Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia // June 2019

Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia // June 2019

While I might be experiencing a more extreme situation of solo self-discovery, I think there is something to be said about giving yourself space. When you are in the midst of life, attempting to make decisions, it can feel overwhelming. It is like deciding what lane you need to be in on the freeway – life isn’t going to just stop and wait while you make up your mind, so instead you feel like you have to make decisions quickly and efficiently as other cars whiz by. Allowing yourself to step back from scenarios, gives you the ability to truly analyze situations and make whole-hearted choices, knowing without a doubt they are the right ones to make. It takes getting out of your comfort zone to realize what your true comfort zone even is – the things and people that bring out the best in you, along with those that don’t make you feel the best.

The next time you feel like you need some clarity in a situation or maybe just want to challenge yourself to deeply seek what your heart desires, try adding a little distance. Sometimes it is hard to, especially since it seems like the norm is to keep moving towards things rather than away from them. But, I think it is time to release the misconception that distance is a negative aspect and that it makes it harder to achieve things. Because for me, pulling myself out of my everyday life and into a whole new society, has only made me more excited to go home and keep enjoying what I have come to realize makes me a happier and better version of myself. Taking time to discover your truth is invaluable in getting closer to your ideal future. Happy soul-searching everyone! :)

The Sands of Time

Happy July! Lately I have been reflecting a lot on how so much has changed in a year! If someone had asked me a year ago where I saw my life headed, I would have said something completely different than what I would respond today. Despite the fact that the emotions and experiences that this past year held were not always the most pleasant (and at times I questioned if I would even survive to see another day!), I couldn’t be more grateful for where I am now. I think it is important that we all realize that with time comes change, and though it can be change in either a positive or negative direction, all change serves a purpose. 

Lahaina, HI // June 2018

Lahaina, HI // June 2018

I know I have written about embracing all that life has to offer in any given moment, which is somewhat repetitive of allowing for change in either direction, so I’d like to focus this post on setting intentions for the future, knowing that as time goes on, we have the opportunity to transform into our most ideal lives.  Change can be scary, unexpected, and stressful, but I honestly believe that there is always some, even if it is small, positive takeaway from any situation. So, no matter where you are currently in your life, where do you hope to see yourself in three months? A year? If you think back a year ago, could you have predicted all that was to happen from that moment up until now? Life is a whirlwind of sensational occurrences, it is doubtful that one’s life will remain forever stagnant in the way it currently is. As individuals, we have the power to analyze where we are, and then make decisions to fine-tune our paths in a stronger direction towards our dream. 

Growing up, my parents always reminded me that no matter how hard it seemed to push myself to do something, whether it was to go on a run to stay healthy or even sit down and try to write a blog post, that someday I would look back and wish I had started today. Essentially, we can’t gain time back, but we can make the most of what we have. Every day is a new beginning. If the life you wish to be living someday includes daily yoga, then find an outlet to take your first class this week. Why wait for “someday” when today is waiting for you to take the reins and live life to the fullest? I think that it is just so important to recognize that although we might not have complete control over what happens in our lives, we do have some power in the choices we make to place us on different paths, and it is never to late to take some new exits and find ourselves on new routes. 

Lahaina, HI // June 2018

Lahaina, HI // June 2018

With this fairly fresh start of a new month, I think it is a healthy exercise to reflect on how your life has changed in various ways. What was a change you weren’t expecting, and are you happy with how you handled it? How have you evolved into your current position in a positive way? Taking the lessons from the past, then apply these thoughts to the future, coming up with some first steps to progress towards a happier and healthier you. Live in the now, in a way that your future self will thank you! 

P.S.  These sunset photos are from the same night, taken within the span of 10 minutes! I thought it was symbolic of how fast things can change and seem completely different than one might expect! :)