Honoring Yourself

As this new year begins many of us are setting New Year’s resolutions. We reflect on the previous year and ask ourselves what goals will bring us even more joy or bring us closer to the life we dream. Someone very close to me often reminds me that life is a continual journey of improvement, and that no matter where we start, every day can be even better than the last. This past year brought a lot of positive changes, and I learned a very important rule: everyone needs to take time for themselves and honor themselves in some way.

Moonstone Beach, CA

Moonstone Beach, CA

I recently went to a healing session, and the main message that was directed toward me was that I need to take more time for myself.  Of course continually adventuring during my free time is fun, but sometimes it is good to take a step back from everything. Personally, I need to allow myself the space and time to organize my thoughts, reenergize, and get more in tune with my body. In doing so, I know that I will not only appreciate life even more, but the people around me will be pleased to be around a happier version of myself. 

Moonstone Beach, CA

Moonstone Beach, CA

Moonstone Beach, CA

Moonstone Beach, CA

Honoring yourself can be anything that means something to you. Whether it be starting a new ritual or breaking a bad habit, or setting a reward for yourself once you accomplish something you’ve always wanted to do. It could be setting aside fifteen minutes everyday to read or write, sticking to your workout plan, or even researching a passion you’d like to pick up. Incorporated into my New Year’s resolution is to eat even healthier, for the sole purpose of feeling better inside and out. Recently I have battled with dieting and exercising as I felt that everyone around me loved me more when I was health-conscious, since taking care of myself results in looking better too. However, I found that I should want to be as healthy as I can for me, so that I can be happy, and not necessarily to gain acceptance from others. The key to common happiness starts with individuals loving themselves and finding contentment, and then spreading their happiness onto those around them.

Give yourself the gift of healing through the people, places, and activities that you cherish. We all deserve to breathe and attend to the needs of our bodies and minds.  Feel free to share what you do to honor yourself! Here’s to a new year of being a happier, healthier you, in a happier, healthier universe!