Be Conscious of What You Eat

About a month ago, I broke my vegetarianism of over ten years. Now for some that decision may be easy, but I had gone more than half my life without meat and still to this day have yet to have a burger or steak. I was the person that would freak out if you offered me anything that had touched meat or been served with the same utensil as a carnivore’s delight. However, I finally decided that my goals for myself simply could not be achieved unless I introduced animal protein into my diet. Being the only vegetarian in my family and amongst my friends, I was well supported in my decision.

Now just because I have bridged the gap between being a vegetarian and being an omnivore, does not mean I do not support vegetarian diets. I still whole-heartedly believe that vegetarians reap health benefits that I am now voiding myself from. Yet, my overall belief that covers all bases is the idea that whatever we put into our bodies must be healthy and happy itself so that we as consumers can be healthy and happy.

I try to eat as organically as possible (although not all foods need be organically grown). I eat pasture-raised, grass fed eggs; and I only eat organic, grass-fed, and humanely raised poultry. I also like to eat as close to nature as possible, meaning that the less processed something is, the better I feel it is for you. Buying raw ingredients in bulk and replicating my own dishes from scratch is something I find quite fulfilling.

I think that every living thing takes on properties based on how it is treated or raised. Fueling our bodies with positive and happy ingredients yields a happier and healthier individual. And it is okay to every now and then indulge in something that is a little high in fat or has a dab of artificial substances, but the cleaner your diet is on a daily basis, the more your body will thank you. It is all about being conscious of everything you put into your body. Know the ingredients and nutritional content, cut back on the ingredients you cannot pronounce, and acknowledge what you eat, even if it is unhealthy. The more conscious you become, the more your body will savor the food you feed it.

Don’t forget to thank the food you put in your body!