The Power of Gratitude in My Own Life

I’ve come a long way to get to this first post. It was hard to herd all my thoughts and ideas to finally come together in this first introduction. But alas I have decided that it is probably most fitting to discuss where I’ve come from and honor the attribute that this blog is named after.

In a span of four months last year, I experienced what I would say was the worst part of my life thus far. I was a part of a three car collision which led to sciatica damage, I was dealing with a ridiculous work load, and just when I thought things might be on the mend, my nearly year and a half relationship came to an end. I was depressed and I felt trapped. I felt like there was too much debris to shovel aside to get to where I eventually wanted to be. Every little thing that didn’t go my way was amplified into one big pile of depression and reasons why I wanted life to end. At the time I didn’t realize that I was my own worst enemy, feeding the negative and magnetizing it even more.

Towards the end of this emotionally exhausting time period, I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica, and I think that had I not had the opportunity to view life in a new perspective, I definitely would not have survived the breakup that came shortly after my return home. I finally realized that I was stronger than I thought and the ability to meet new people and soak up the adventure and beauty of the world was extremely healing. Immersing myself into a new culture and being welcomed by the natives gave me further insight into the power humanity has when it comes together with a common goal in mind.

Not long after that, when I was still ignoring the sadness and pretending to be strong (in the effort that one day I would wake up actually feeling the way I knew I should), I stumbled upon some very influential findings: “The Five-Minute Journal” and a collection of quotations specifically for a “beautiful life.” I splurged on both of these little books and I am so thankful that I did. Every morning I write the things I am grateful for, what would make the day great, and an affirmation (all of which are outlined in the journal) and then in the evening I reflect on the day and randomly flip to three quotations. There is power in positivity. In the following weeks and months after I started my gratifying ritual in January, I got another chance to travel the world along with many more amazing opportunities. My soul felt uplifted, and even I saw the happiness radiating through my skin.

So now, less than six months later, I am here to share my story and inspire others as we work toward a world full of equality, happiness, and gratitude. Sometimes it is hard, but surrendering ourselves to optimism and focusing our thoughts on the good brings us strides closer to total happiness. This blog will celebrate the positive acts accomplished on many levels, along with outlining ways to achieve the happiest version of yourself, inside and out.

For starters, begin with starting your mornings honoring what you are grateful for and envisioning how you want the day to go. At the end of the day, make it a goal to unplug and tune into yourself, reflecting on your day. Add this exercise to your own daily ritual and tweak it to better fit your personal routine. A positive universe, starts with you.